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Corporate First Officer Challenger... Urgent

Tampa, FL

COrporate First Officer CHALLENGER CL 604 Pilot Fixed Wing Tampa FL FLORIDA 33607 McNichols McNichols United States Americas North America We have an opportunity for COCaptainFirst Officer to join our flight team This position is responsible for safely operating a COrporate jet for flights originating from Tampa Florida The duties will involve all aspects of preflight preparation inflight operations and postflight activities for a COrporate aircraft Responsibilities Assist in planning routes

Bombardier Challenger 604 605...

United States

Bombardier CHALLENGER 604 605 650 Instructor Pilot Pilot CAE USA United States 108048

Cl 604 605 Chief Pilot Hot

Highlands Ranch, CO

Cl 604 605 Chief Pilot Pilot Highlands Ranch CO COLORADO Ciginvest United States 31212132854

Pilot In Command Challenger 300... Hot

Dallas, TX

Pilot In COmmand CHALLENGER 300 Pilot Dallas TX TEXAS Executive Jet Management United States 31204499970

Pilot In Command Challenger 300... Hot

Dallas, TX

Pilot In COmmand CHALLENGER 300 Pilot Dallas TX TEXAS NetJets United States 31218138635

Pilot In Command Challenger 300... Featured

Dallas, TX

Pilot In COmmand CHALLENGER 300 Pilot Dallas TX TEXAS Executive Jet Management United States 31204647251

Pilot In Command Challenger Cl300... Featured

Chicago, IL

Pilot In COmmand CHALLENGER Cl300 Pilot Chicago IL ILLINOIS Executive Jet Management United States 31194701045

Pilot In Command Challenger Cl300... Featured

Chicago, IL

Pilot In COmmand CHALLENGER Cl300 Pilot Chicago IL ILLINOIS NetJets United States 31197178726

Pilot In Command Challenger Cl300... Hot

Chicago, IL

Pilot In COmmand CHALLENGER Cl300 Pilot Chicago IL ILLINOIS NetJets United States 31134724145

Pilot In Command Challenger Cl300... Featured

Chicago, IL

Pilot In COmmand CHALLENGER Cl300 Pilot Chicago IL ILLINOIS Executive Jet Management United States 31111330355

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